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Today: Browse our editor's hand picked articles!

UOttawa, Carleton set for heavyweight matchup at Capital Hoops Classic

Ottawa’s two universities will square off in the annual...

Georgian men’s volleyball team hold top-seed entering Ontario playoffs

The Georgian College men’s volleyball team will be heavy...

Barrie Police docket: week of Feb. 2

Man refuses to leave GO Train Around 1 a.m. on...

Ford, Crombie announce plans to upload Ottawa LRT to province if elected

A re-elected Progressive Conservative provincial government will upload Ottawa’s light-rail transit (LRT) network to the province, Premier Doug Ford announced in Ottawa on Tuesday.

Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles stops in Ottawa to talk education and building ‘tariff-proof’ Ontario

As Marit Stiles is making her rounds throughout the province as she campaigns to be Ontario’s next premier, the leader of the Ontario NDP stopped in Ottawa reiterate her party’s vows to improve education in Ontario.

Barrie Police docket: week of Feb. 2

Man refuses to leave GO Train Around 1 a.m. on Feb. 5 Barrie Police Service responded to reports from GO Transit that a man was pretending...

Province hands back decision-making on old fairgrounds development to the city

The provincial government says the City of Barrie should...

Ottawa BlackJacks promote David DeAveiro to head coach

The Ottawa BlackJacks basketball team has a new bench boss after they promoted assistant coach David DeAveiro earlier this week.



Business & Community

Barrie Police docket: week of Feb. 2

Man refuses to leave GO Train Around 1 a.m. on...

Ford, Crombie announce plans to upload Ottawa LRT to province if elected

A re-elected Progressive Conservative provincial government will upload Ottawa’s light-rail transit (LRT) network to the province, Premier Doug Ford announced in Ottawa on Tuesday.

Controversial Eastern Ottawa-Gatineau bridge underway, feds announce

The federal government is starting the process of building a bridge connecting the eastern end of Ottawa to Gatineau, Steven MacKinnon, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour announced Thursday.


UOttawa, Carleton set for heavyweight matchup at Capital Hoops Classic

Ottawa’s two universities will square off in the annual...

Georgian men’s volleyball team hold top-seed entering Ontario playoffs

The Georgian College men’s volleyball team will be heavy...

Ottawa BlackJacks promote David DeAveiro to head coach

The Ottawa BlackJacks basketball team has a new bench boss after they promoted assistant coach David DeAveiro earlier this week.

Colts rebound from losing streak as OHL season marches on

The last month for the Barrie Colts has featured a three-game winning streak followed by a five-game losing streak, only for the Colts to turn around and rattle off five wins in a row, punctuated by a 6-3 beatdown of the Brantford Bulldogs last Saturday.Â